Our Services

Our advocates are here to help you through every step of your journey. They will provide you and your caregivers with all the information and resources you will need and will help you navigate the criminal justice system. Our advocates are also available to deliver public talks for those seeking education for their employees, volunteers, students, teachers, health professionals, non-profits, etc. Contact us for more information. 

Our center

The Raven’s Nest Center is equipped with one interview room, one monitoring room, a remote testimony room, a waiting room, friendly staff, and an accredited facility animal. The plain-clothed RCMP officer will conduct their forensic interview at the center and then you can stay and ask your advocate any questions that you may have.

Why the CYAC Model

A CYAC brings together a multidisciplinary team, made up of police, child protection workers, medical staff, mental health professionals, justice agencies, child and family advocates, etc. to work together to ensure that the needs of the youth are prioritized throughout the whole process. Raven’s Nest is amongst a growing number of CYACs across Canada that have proven to be successful in ensuring that the traumatisation of a youth when participating in the judicial and court process is reduced. Our model aims to reduce the number of times the youth has to tell their story by bringing all the resources under one roof, in a child friendly environment to make the youth as comfortable as possible. Our program operates within Central Vancouver Island, with our physical center based in Duncan.

Zoomer is Ready to Meet You

Zoomer was bred, raised and trained by Lion Foundation of Canada Dog Guides in Oakville, Ontario. LFCDG is an accredited member of Assistance Dogs International (ADI).

Zoomer has worked with Raven’s Nest Child and Youth Advocacy since Oct 31, 2022. He is a fully trained assistance dog who falls under the category of Accredited Facility Dog with ADI.

Zoomer’s Role as an Accredited Facility Dog:

  • Reduce the blood pressure and lower the heart rate of an individual.
  • Act as an effective ice breaker.
  • Provide a healthy and positive distraction to overwhelming traumatic reactions. Act as a tool to assist individuals who struggle to communicate, particularly children or persons with disabilities.
  • Act as a calming influence and “ground” people who may be agitated or highly emotional.
  • Provide a source for cathartic and calming touch.
Zoomer can attend pre trial Crown Counsel interviews, galleries in court, and forensic interviews with the police. He’s ready to support youth throughout the entire justice process.